Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Week 10

November 6th - 10th

Our fundraiser for the DC scholarship fund is November 10. Students have signed up in teams to participate in a dodgeball tournament. A very exciting event!! We are in need of baked goods for the bake sale that same afternoon. Please help us by making and packaging goods to be sold. Your items can be dropped off at school any time on Friday. Thank you!


Ms. Knippen

Hours 3 and 7-We are studying transformations. We started with slides and an art project that uses slides. We will look at flips and turns as they relate to the coordinate plane.


Ms. Waller

After studying the Earth-moon-sun system last week, the students will now read about the other planets in solar system. While reading they will be practicing the reading strategies of selective highlighting and magnet summaries. Ms. James is coming in on Wednesday to do a guidance lesson. In the last part of the week, the students will do a lab investigation where they will see that the mass of different planets affects the gravitational pull and therefore the weight of objects. They will also compare the surface features of the terrestrial planets and create a graph illustrating the comparative structure of the internal layers of those planets. I will be out for the week first presenting at a conference in Boston and then attending the National Science Teachers conference here in Milwaukee. I look forward to returning to the classroom the following week.


Mr. Heimerl 

This week, we will begin discussing dystopia, in preparation for our next major unit – literary analysis. To do so, we will look at many examples, both in writing and in video, and discuss what makes dystopia the genre it is. Moreover, we will begin to explore CER, an acronym that stands for Claim, Evidence, Reasoning – the three major skills we will develop as we analyze the literature we read. To start, we will focus on evidence, exploring how to choose good evidence and how to sufficiently contextualize it for our readers.

Beyond lit analysis, we will continue our study of the relative clause. There will be a grammar quiz on the relative clause and the absolute phrase next week, Friday, 11/27.


Ms. Brinnington, Ms. Traska, Ms. Hiir, Ms. Allen
dbrinnington@foxbay.org, straska@foxbay.org, ghiir@foxbay.org, jallen@foxbay.org

This week, we will discuss chapters 44-56 in the novel, The Silenced. The students continue analyzing this novel at a deeper level through the literary elements irony and foreshadowing. Many outstanding conversations have been had as the suspense continues to develop! This class text will come a close soon; the final assessment is scheduled for Wednesday, November 15 and Thursday, November 16.

As noted before, it is very important that your child find balance with his/her independent reading and the class novel. Students should be reading their third and final book by now while having written their seventh journal entry last week. All journal entries are to be written in the double-journal entry format.

This week’s vocabulary root word is -fer...meaning “to carry”, “to bear”, “to bring together”. Contextually rich sentences, with proper grammar and mechanics, are due Wednesday; the quiz follows on Friday.

Social Studies

Mr. Blahnik

We are finishing up the Chapter on Foreign Affairs of our Young Nation.  We have learned about the Foreign Affair policies, dilemmas, and responses to Foreign Affairs events of President Washington and President Adams.  Next week, we will be studying the Foreign Affairs events of President Jefferson, President Madison, and President Monroe.  The Students are also finishing up their project where they selected a Foreign Policy Affair and event that a President experienced at this time period.  The students are providing a summary of the event and then creating a question that they have about the event that they want to further explore.  From this research, they are developing a claim that is supported by Evidence and Reasoning.  They are presenting on Tuesday.  The next Chapter we will study is on A Growing Sense of Nationhood that is developing in the United States at this time period.

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